Film what happend to monday
Film what happend to monday

film what happend to monday

Throughout one of the sister’s investigation, we come to find out that the CAB was not freezing the children, they were incinerating them. This thus resulted in the death of other sisters who went out looking for her as well as answers. This was the case until Monday went to work and never returned because it turns out that she became pregnant, with twins and decided to turn in his sisters because she did not want her children to live the life she led. Karen Settman works for CAB and so far, they ha ve managed to switch person every day of the week without any suspicion. The government provided everyone with an identity tracker and the ones used by the Settman girls were hacked by their father so it would only show one Karen when scanned at point of entries and since they were not allowed outside more than one at a time, there should be no way they would get caught. The general rule s for their outside appearances were to never go out more than one at a time and every time they were outside, they would all assume the identity of Karen Set tman. This started from infancy until adulthood. Monday went out on Monday and Sunday went o ut on Sunday, so on and so forth. After claiming them from the hospital, Terrence decided to name them each after the seven days of the week and as they were raised, taught, they were also inst ructed to only go outside once a week, more specifically on the day that was corresponding to their names. In the events that a family were to have more than one offspring, they were to report t he additional child to the Child Allocation Bureau (CAB) and said child would be “ placed in a cryogenic chamber, frozen ,” until the world regains stability over its resources. Since no family was allowed more than one child, th is underground hospital proceeded to not report the birth of the girls. Karen die d whil e giving birth to septuplets i denti cal sisters and their grandfather ( Terrence ) comes to claim them from an underground hospital. In What Happened To Monday, Karen Settman, daughter of Terrence Settman has been estranged for years. Th e content of the movie offers some themes that have proven to mirror some of society’s events. W ritten by Max Botkin and Kerry Williamson and directed by Tommy Wirkola, What Happened To Monday takes place in year 2073 during a noticeable overpopulation of the world thus resulting in the plummeting of resourc es as well as the implementation of a one child (per family) allocation system. What Happened To Monday also known in other geographical spaces as “Seven Sisters” is a 2017 dystopian science fiction action movie.

Film what happend to monday