All shortcut keys for windows 10
All shortcut keys for windows 10

Win + Pause Open system properties window. Maximizes the minimized windows when you press again. Win + Home Minimize all windows but the active one. Win + Down Arrow Minimize the active window. Win + Up Arrow Maximize the active window. Win + Right Arrow Snap active window to right. Win + Left Arrow Snap active window to left. Win + Number (1 – 9) Open the pinned application on the taskbar according to the number. (Follow these steps to add timeline feature to chrome and firefox). Win + PrtScn Take a screenshot of the screen and save it to the Pictures folder in your home folder. Win + R Open the Run dialog box to run commands and environment variables.

all shortcut keys for windows 10

Win + X Open the Power User menu Win + L Lock Windows computer (use this method to lock computer automatically). Win + U Open the Ease of Access settings page.

all shortcut keys for windows 10

Win + K Opens the wireless display panel to cast the screen. Win + G Open the Game Bar to record screen or gameplay. Here are the 50 useful Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts that every user should know.ĥ0 Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard Shortcut Description of What it Does Win + I Opens the Settings app.

All shortcut keys for windows 10